The challenge isn’t raising complexity.
It’s our inability to adapt to it.

Which means a fundamental shift in skills, relationships and worldview.
For the last decade I’ve worked at communicating the importance of inner development and creating spaces for it to unfold. Below you find the main initiatives I’ve founded, co-founded or been core part of.

A communications framework defining what skills are necessary for building a sustainable future and planet, specifically to reach the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.
Implemented by governments like Costa Rica and the US, in corporations like IKEA, Volvo, Novartis and with 700+ IDG-hubs globally.

Erik is the initiator and co-founder.

The 29k Foundation

Imagine if support for inner development and mental health was as free and easy to use as wikipedia. That’s what we are building - spaces for communities of practice with evidence based support.

The 29k Foundation is the worlds largest non-profit, open source platform for inner development with the apps 29k and Aware. Over 100.000 people have measurably changed their lives and built skills for thriving, generative and mentally healthy lives. A gift to you. No ads. No fees.

Erik is co-founder, CEO and board member.

Downloads 500.000+
Changed lives 100.000+
Marginal cost of changing a life <1€

Launched in 2023 Aware platform makes the best parts of practicing inner development together even easier and more lovable.

The Ekskäret Foundation aims to facilitate the co-creation of a more conscious and sustainable society with a focus on the connection between life-long personal inner development and growth and societal development.

Erik is Chair of the board & part of leadership from the initiation.

Norrsken is a impact ecosystem where entrepreneurs can find everything they need to make saving the world their business. Norrsken Impact Houses located in Stockholm, Kigali and Barcelona. Norrsken Mind is a research center for psychedelic substances potential to treat mental health conditions.

Erik is strategic adviser of founder Niklas Adalberth & team from the initiation.

"Erik has been and is fundamental in developing the strategy of Norrsken. Always adding unique insights to the deeper why - what really matters and what impact means.”

- Niklas Adalberth, founder Norrsken Foundation & co-founder Klarna